Now, what could be more absurd than this? A person who is foreign to me in every way -- race, history, language, religion -- is telling me how "we" ought to celebrate "our" tradition. It's preposterous. The traditions of William and Mary do not belong to him. He has no right to assume they do. They are less his than some "tradition" created by Burger King or Walmart.
A tradition is meaningless when it has been separated from the people who created it. Foreigners who lead and participate in American and European traditions effectively destroy them.
Up until a couple of decades ago, America was a real country with a real nation, filled almost exclusively (90%+) with European people, people who shared a common heritage. It is fast becoming merely a "propositional nation," which is to say it is becoming a collection of competing races and religions, each with its own heritage, language and worldview.
There's going to be serious trouble in the West; there always is multiculti countries. We must eject the foreigners now -- there is no other way to have domestic tranquility.
If we let this usurpation continue, there will be nothing left of our heritage for our children, civil wars or no. We will have preserved nothing handed to us by our ancestors. If liberals continue to "break the color barrier," then even we, the peoples of Europe, will cease to exist completely and forever.
Until that revolution, here is a practical solution at the working level. Whites should get over the guilt of "inclusion" which has been beaten into us by the universalists. We are no more obliged to include the Other in our European group and family activities than the Other is obliged to include us in his.
Only a small change is required of you: simply stop feeling guilty for not including the Other. Be nice, be polite, be considerate of others' feelings. Whenever you build a list for any gathering, appreciate that your guests feel the same way, id est, they would rather be with people like themselves. Stop and think, What's more important? Pleasing and helping my friends and relatives, or adhering to some impossibly abstract, family and nation-destroying principle of universal inclusion?
Think of your guests, don't be a liberal. It's no big deal, no extra bother, no extra cost. Don't be rude, exclude.
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