Just a reminder: The AshkeNazis, acting with malice aforethought, led the West into this societal morass, using Marxism, the 1960's "civil rights" revolution, feminazism, et al. They are still in power and nothing will change for the better until they are dethroned. Which means that, as they hold all the most powerful positions, this revolution will have to come from the ground up, from the menfolk.
Only the best men of our Volk can raise up new, truly aristocratic leaders to overthrow the lizard invaders and their false gods of Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité, and popular Democracy. You want your normal society back, Boys? Well, so do your women and your children. They will give you the support you need only after you have proven you are worthy of it.
So butch up, you Beta puds -- especially you Jew-DayO!-Christian wussies -- it's your turn at bat.
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