Tuesday, June 7, 2011

How to learn history

An indispensable tool is a timeline of about 100 evenly spaced dates, names, and events, which you and your children create yourselves and memorize exactly. The dates should be "big" ones but it is more important that they be spaced evenly, no gaps more than 40-100 years. The purpose of the timeline is to have a built-in filing system in your head which will help you to quickly place any subsequent history you learn into its proper time. This will help you not only to remember what happened and when but how it is related to events before and after it.

Memorization is a fundamental part of learning anything. Names, dates, definitions, descriptions, rules, steps, et cetera, must be committed to memory for instant recall so that ones mind can join, compare, and refine knowledge about several things at the same time.

Also, as one gets older, storing completely new information becomes increasingly difficult. Older brains must store new info in relation to already stored information. What this implies is that the more you learn the more you are able to learn. Therefore, children should spend most of their time in ludo memorizing (saving the "why" questions for the "why" or "logic" early teen phase of their development). And because time is limited, children should memorize only the most fundamental information such as phonics, grammar rules, multiplication tables and mathematical calculation procedures, proper handwriting, the periodic table of elements, manners, foreign language pronunciation, the feel of an instrument, and basic sports and dancing rules and techniques.

This timeline memorization method is, übrigens, a very old tool. It was only phased out over the last century during the government-bigbiz-socialist takeover of American education.

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