His recent post, Jeff Rense, Nathanael Kapner, Alex Jones: Jewish controlled opposition becoming more transparent really is a head-scratcher for me. In the first part of the article, he says good things are happening but later says that the squabble may be just another Jewish setup.
Regarding the meat of the article, Jones, Rense, and Kapner seem pretty spot on to me, a wealth of good info, and other than Jones' sensationalist beginnings, he seems on the up and up these days. They play to their audiences' sensibilities very well, I think. Jones allows quite a bit of postings about Jewish culpability, and Rense and Kapner are very forthright about Jewish power, underhanded dealings, and twisted motives.
Overall, Juden Frei seems a good website, lots of helpful info, links, and suggestions. Perhaps it's my prior multiculti programming that is not letting me see clearly what he sees about Jones et alii. Wir werden sehen.
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