Thursday, December 9, 2010

Abandon "Conservatism"?

Dylan Hales sums up the situation and tries to decide.
While a large segment of the Alternative Right believes it is time to abandon the term “conservative” altogether, I’m not so sure. From where I stand, turning over an intellectual tradition that includes men like Russell Kirk and Robert Nisbet to a movement that regards Sean Hannity as a serious thinker is surrendering far too much. The reputations of these great men should not become the property of neoconservatives or the warmongering faux-nationalists that now dominate the GOP. Efforts to stop this may be futile—or too little too late—but out of respect for our tradition, efforts should be made.
Though it would not be difficult to comply a much larger list, a good overview of four standard talking points of the establishment conservative movement showcases just how worthless discourse on the modern Right has become—or at least the Right that gets representation on the airwaves: more >>
Worthless is being kind.

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